Hamlet the pig
I wanted to produce a large piece to show at Oxford Artweeks 2019 as part of the group exhibition Clay Works at Muster Point (venue 210)....

New vessel
Stoneware with white slip and incised pattern. Ready for biscuit firing.

Flames, smoke, spitting boiling water. What more could you want? At Muster Point with Alison Jones.

Pit firing
All stoked and ready to go! At Muster Point with Alison Jones.

Smoke firing
Before firing ...... The kiln can be built to any size, provided you have enough bricks. Great fun! and immediately after .....

Oxford Artweeks 2017
All set up. Showing with Grace Sim (www.swimbikerunart.co.uk/).

Work in progress
Burnished coiled vessel ready for first firing.

Work in progress
Large teapot glazed and ready for firing

The company I keep!
Cup sale at the International Ceramics Festival 2013.

Oxford Artweeks 2013
This year with Eva Smith (ceramics) and Ian Dudley (pri nts)